How to Design a Creative Calendar to be Proud of

How to Design a Creative Calendar to be Proud of

Calendars are a great way to get your brand in front of the customer 24/7 whilst providing them with a piece of useful stationery to help them with day to day tasks. There’s no use designing and producing a calendar if it isn’t going to catch the customer’s attention and encourage them to interact with your brand, so here are some tips to help you create a calendar to be proud of.

Monthly themes

Give each month in your calendar a different theme to make it more engaging and exciting for your customers. It will also encourage them to look forward to the next month.

Make the themes relevant to the month, for example in October have a Halloween theme and in February have a Valentines theme. Make sure to only use high resolution images as these will keep your calendar looking professional and inspire the customer to buy from you.

Choose the right typography and colours

Make sure to use your company house style (the font, colours and layout) for the calendar. As well as the customer instantly being able to tell that this is your company’s product, it also helps to convey your brand message.

If you decide to choose a new or contrasting type face for your calendar then make sure that it gives the same message to your customers as your current font. To find out more about choosing the right type face read our ‘Psychology of Typography’ blog post.

The size and the format

We can produce your calendar in any size, shape and colour that you want. Some popular styles of calendars are wall planners in A2 or A3, desk pads in A2 or A5, pocket/bag size calendars usually A6 or A5 size and the tent style you usually see on desks.

Desk calendars are a great way to get your brand in front of the client 24/7 and provide something useful for them to use.

The material used

Make sure when producing your calendars, you choose the correct paper weight as this will not only influence the suitability of your product but will communicate a level of ‘quality’ to the person using it.

As well as the paper weight, it is essential that you choose the right finish. Some popular choices are gloss lamination and matt lamination. Both are great finishes which convey a different message and in this case we would recommend gloss lamination to give the calendar a ‘shiny’ finish and help to protect it from scratching, with the added bonus of making it look more expensive.

Any special extras

Make your calendar stand out with special extras such as monthly tearable coupons, special dates already marked down on the calendar and visual extras like spot UV varnish and foil blocking.

Adding these thing to your calendar will increase its value to the customer and position your brand as a prestige one.

Speak to a member of our team today on 01270 212100, or here to get a quote for your calendars. Don’t have any artwork? For a small fee, our graphic design team can come up with something for you.